Line for the production of “LIGHT HAM”

Crudo Light VEMAC is an innovative product healthier than raw hams salted in bone, thanks to a lower salt content in the finished product and a lower percentage of fat.

The aim of the VEMAC project called, CRUDO LIGHT is to obtain a ham to be sliced with characteristics (taste, color, texture, appearance of the slice), in line with those of a foreign ham (salted in the traditional way and with a curing time of about 9-10 months),but with less labor and a decidedly lower production cost. This considerable saving is achieved through a method/system that allows a considerable simplification of the production process, industrializes production and shortens the curing time, passing from 10 months, of the product salted in a traditional way, to a complete cycle of about 60 days.

Advantages del VEMAC process


  • Lower costs in boning fresh ham and recovery of waste that can then be reused for other products. (in traditional raw ham it is boned at the end and the waste must all be thrown away, nothing can be recovered);
  • Facilitates in the boning (itis much easier and faster to boning afresh product thana seasoned one);
  • Savings on the purchase of machinery for boning, (no need for stem saw and butt cutter, boning machine;
  • Preparation of the ad hoc cut as required by the process.

With the VEMAC system, considering 60 days as a production cycle, you can plan 6 cycles in a year, which if compared with the technology of traditional raw ham, give a considerable economic advantage compared to the single cycle that is obtained in a year of production of raw ham seasoned with bone. The process is also highly standardized thanks to the help of dedicated machinery and requires less handling / handling and therefore a lower economic cost of production due to the lower work of the operators involved and certainly also a lower contamination of the product.

Thanks to VEMAC technology, the final product is standardized in weight and color classes homogeneous, a healthy product with a low amount of salt compared to ham is obtained traditional, the distribution of salt between the prodotti is perfectly homogeneous in the producedor finished, reducing waste atthe final selection between productsthat diversify by much from the standard, as it happens in the process of salting raw ham traditional with bone.


Line for the production of “LIGHT HAM”

Crudo Light VEMAC is an innovative product healthier than raw hams salted in bone, thanks to a lower salt content in the finished product and a lower percentage of fat.

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